09 January 2009

Ex#1: Texting Movement

First, download and read the class syllabus and familiarize yourselves with it. On Tuesday ask your TA any questions you have about the syllabus.

The real exercise, as they all will, is available as a pdf for download to the left. This entry is just the background material referenced for the exercise.

The movies are linked to the left as well. There is a zip file containing all three versions for those who want it on their machines.

Our first major question for the semester is: How is movement (four-dimensional) or the image of movement (three-dimensional) translated into two-dimensions?

To see other ways of notating, tracing or “witnessing” a scene, ways that have already been devised, consider (research) the methods of:
• The Choreographer

• The Painter
"Nude Descending a Staircase" by Marcel Duchamp
• Time-Motion Study
Frank Gilbreath Motion Study
• Photographic Locomotion Study
E.J. Marey

Eadweard Muybridge


  1. 14sPlaytime_ContactSht uploads fine, but the other 3 (14sPlaytime_1fps , 14sPlaytime_5fps , and 14sPlaytime_10fps) show up as errors for me. Is anyone else having this problem?

  2. You have to have quick tim e installed on your computer. It is common but not always there.

    I am uploading the files zipped so you can download them and play them from your machine, if that will help.

    Watch for the link.
