12 February 2009

EXno.10a: 3by3by3 Study Model

Using polystyrene insulation foam, chipboard, and piano wire make a model of the spatial relationships you can find in your model. Make the model express, jointure, hierarchy, constants & variables, precincts & zones, and economy of means. Try to make the model be a model of the space. What is the idea behind the spaces of the given building. How does your model express that idea? Do not be symbolic or iconic but do be laconic.

The 3x3x3 model is due Thursday, Feb 19th at the beginning of class.

EXno.12: Four Variations on a Theme

For the next exercise take one (or a combination, if necessary) of the ten done for EXno.11 and make four clear variations on the theme identified in class discussions today.. Save each of these as a separate file and print each out as EXno.11a, EXno.11b, EXno.11c, & EXno.11d.

EXno.12 is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, February 17th.

First 1/3rd Studio Submission

Follow these instructions carefully. Make your TA go over this with you in class today. Work that does not follow these procedures will receive a significant penalty. The grading will happen in two parts:
A) Paper Submission:
a.1) Assemble all your final paper submissions for EXno.s 1-9. Put your name, the section number, and the exercise number on the back of each sheet. Clip these together with two binder clips across the top of the work.
a.2) Assemble all your working sketches, printouts, and notes that are on 8.5 by 14 (legal) paper; back them with a legal sized piece of chipboard; and make a neatly printed out cover sheet that lists your name, your section number, and "Composition Exercises-Progress Work". Clip these together along the short top side of the papers with two binder clips.
B) CD Submission:
b.1) Name each of the final Form•Z files for each exercise "ARCH1412_(your initials)XXX_(your section)50X_EXno(exercisenumberhere).fmz". Where there are multiple files per exercise, label each with "...EXnoXa", "...EXnoXb", "...EXnoXc", etc. Only submit mulitiple files for an exercise when there were multiple printout asked for in the exercise. Do nto submit multiples of the same project or progress files.
b.2) Make a pdf file of each Form•Z file you turn in and give it the same name except that it should have the suffix ".pdf" rather than ".fmz".
b.3) Collect these files of the digitally constructed exercises in a folder with the name "ARCH1412_(your initials)XXX_(your section)50X_CompositionExercises".
b.4) Burn this folder onto a CD-R, neatly label it with a sharpie with "ARCH1412", your name, your section, and "Composition Exercises".

Your TA wll show you a wall where you will hang up both parts of section A and will tell you how to submit part B to them. This should all be submitted on your designated wall and ready to grade by 2PM SUNDAY, February 15th. No late submissions will be accepted.

House We'll See Saturday Feb 21 in Dallas

This is a new house by Ron Wommack, a TTU architecture alum. He's taking us on a tour of the house at 11:00AM.

Big Black Base Diagrams

This base should be a perfectly crafted smooth FLAT BLACK BASE. No gloss, no shine. The slots should hold a 1/4" piece of material snugly but allow its removal and replacement. Your TA wll assist you in crafting this thing. Make sure you ask them about how to make this thing.

The BIG BLACK BASE should be complete and ready to work on by the beginning of class on Thursday, February 26th.