30 January 2009

EXno.8: 50/50 and 20/80

Using the work to date as the source material make two new schemes that engage the whole of the 12" by 12" site on 14" by 14" paper. Mine the previous exercises (the source) for qualities and potentials to bring forward in the work to complete these two exercises (the current projects). Where possible just adjust the composition parametrically (changing proportions of parts while holding the developing relationships) rather than recomposing. The two challenges are:
EXno.8a: alter the ongoing work so that there is a balance of approximatly 50/50 of black and white space on the surface of the site. (In this there are equal parts of black and white.)
EXno.8b: alter the ongoing work so that there is a balance of approximately 20/80 of black to white space on the surface of the site. (In this white is the predominant spatial form).
Use regulating lines generated by the edges of every shape on the page. Think about how the schemes address the five organizational rules:
a) spatial hierarchy - an arrangement or classification of things according to relative importance
b) constants and variables - a series of regular and familiar clues, cues, signals, datum points, or reference points that add up to a framework, thematic matrix, armature, or formal structure within which difference (variables) work as the options and choices that create opportunities for thematic elaboration within the standardized framework of constants
c) spatial precincts and zones - enclosed or clearly defined areas differentiated at a scale beyond single defined or contained spaces and occurring throughout the site
d) zone, component and spatial articulation - constructed through the employment and control of butt joints; lap joints; dado joints; and reveals (gaps) throughout the site (formerly identified as "jointure")
e) economy of means - do more with less; prune; cut back to only essential to define a space

Have these printed, joined, and pinned up along with EX.no.7a on your studio wall at the beginning of class. We will introduce your precedent assignment on Tuesday and will not work on this stuff between Tuesday and Thursday to get that other work started.