28 April 2008

Rest of Semester Schedule for ARCH1412

Tuesday, April 29th
In Studio: Review wire models and drawings with your TA. By Thursday, May 1st at 9:00AM, have all your logs, drawings, and photographs printed and on your wall in an orderly manner. Finish wall space to look like Lauren’s section (in the studio on the northwest wall).
In Lecture: Review for the final submission and exam (see exam on May 6th below). Fill out course Faculty Questionnaire. The faculty course questionnaire is about MARTI and BRIAN as faculty, not about the performance of the TAs except in relation to how MARTI and BRIAN managed them as they taught the course.


Thursday, May 1st at 9:00AM
All print and physical Sandbox work is pinned up and ready to review for grade. Grading begins. Photography begins as we photograph all the completed boxes and all the “A” level work form Bounding space left in the studio at this time. All our photos wil be put up on a designated server space (see course web page for details).
All Sandbox digital work is burned to a CD (clearly marked in “sharpie” with your section # and name) and delivered to your TA for review. On the website there is a folder hierarchy and file naming system that you will use to submit your work in on the CD you will burn. Work not submitted properly will result in the Sandbox project receiving a grade of 0. Your TA will explain where to turn in your CD. No CD = 0 grade.
Leave everything in the studio until you are told we are done with your section. Otherwise, start clearing out on Monday, May 5th, at 2:00PM.

Monday, May 5th, at 2:00PM.
Begin clearing out all material you used in this course. See exam instructions below.

Tuesday, May 6th
Your Exam: Between Monday, May 5th at 2:00PM and Tuesday, May 6th at 7:00PM you will properly dispose of your sand (at a location to be determined) at the courtyard level of the architecture building. YOU WILL NOT DUMP SAND IN A TRASH CAN OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE BUILDING. IF you are caught doing so you will fail this course for academic dishonesty. It is absolutely unfair to the custodial staff to have to lug your sand out of the building. You will remove all work from your wall and remove it from the building or place it in a proper trash can. You will search the building for any other ARCH1412 coursework that is attributed to you and you will remove it. You will either take your sandbox away from the campus or you will leave it empty in room 401 for us to use as part of a larger project that will be done during May.

YOUR EXAM GRADE WILL be 12 of 12 points if you:
a) Take your sand to the designated location for disposal.
b) Either place your sandbox empty in the middle of room 401 or remove it from the campus.
a) Clean your designated sandbox space in the building.
b) Remove any ARCH1412 work from the building that could be attributed to you.
c) Submit your properly formatted CD to your TA by the deadline.

YOUR EXAM GRADE will be 0 of 12 points if we:
a) Do not see your sandbox workspace full of your work and ready to grade by Thursday, May 1st at 9:00AM.
b) Find you’ve removed any part of your sandbox work before Monday, May 5th, at 2:00PM.
c) Find any ARCH1412 work after Monday, May 5th, at 2:00PM in the building that can be attributed to you by recognition or written name.
d) Find your sandbox sand in your box or anywhere else in the building but the designated dumping location on the courtyard level after Monday, May 5th, at 2:00PM
e) Find your sandbox anywhere but empty and stacked up in the middle of Room 401 after Monday, May 5th, at 2:00PM.
f) Find your CD not submitted to your TA or improperly formatted after Monday, May 5th, at 2:00PM.