16 January 2008

Ex.#2 Charting Things

You make two excel spreadsheets.
  • One has all the things that are objects in your room listed, categorized and measured in extensive and material ways. (Color, volume, location, relationship to other things, etc.)
  • One has all the things that happen in your room listed, categorized and measured in durational, and situational ways. (frequency, duration, intensity, area, relationship to other things, etc.)
Make sure you record the size (volume) of everything. Use the calculations tools in excel, use cell shading, and grouping to complete and refine the two charts. You should be crafty with excel, as you would any other medium.

Print them each to fill an 11 by 17 sheet of paper.


That's the most important part above. Spend most of your time there and less on this next part. You'll use these charts above a WHOLE lot in this project.

Then, using charting and graphing tools in excel, make four graphics of the findings in each of your spreadsheets (% breakdown of colors, etc.) Print each of these 8 graphics individually on an 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper. (make sure that all graphics are oriented on the sheet the same way)

The TWO printouts of the spread sheets PLUS FOUR graphics of your chart of object things PLUS FOUR graphics of your chart of event things EQUALS 10 IMAGES.

You can include images of your room contents in the spreadsheet, if you wish but that is not a requirement, just a suggestion of one way of accomplishing this exercise.