Today we will start lecture class at 6:30PM. This is to allow you a few minutes to address the following matter:
As many of you have noticed there is an incredible disparity between what some of you have accomplished to date on the current project and what some of you have not started and or finished. The disparity is too great. Something has to be done. The number who are keeping up have to be acknowledged and those trailing have to be identified and held to a standard of completion. You all should now have:
a) A finished sandbox with the interior painted white, 50% of the interior filled with sand, a perimeter register of nails and stenciled notation, and your name neatly indicated somewhere on the box. This box should be set up and work in progress in the area in teh building designated for your studio. (Exercise Sandbox A)
b) A "ventilated" (sliced with a knife) image from a domestic interior that has been over-sprayed. A frame should have been affixed on this over-sprayed image that encloses the square on the ventilation you've translated into the sandbox. This model should be pinned or taped up over your sandbox. (Exercise Sandbox B)
c) A translation into the surface of the sandbox of this framed location on your ventilation. (Exercise Sandbox D)
d) A printed out large format drawing as specified in my post on the class webpage. This should be posted above the sandbox. (Exercise Sandbox C & E)
Today, during the lecture course, the TAs will make a grade of what you have done so far on the sandbox project. Below is the grading sheet they will use. This grade will for 5 points of your total semester's 100 points. That leaves the grade for the 20 last studio points and the 12 points left for the final exam.
Please take the first half hour of the lecture class to make sure your space is organized, your name is there, and your work is set up in an orderly manner. We'll start our presentation at 6:30 (18h30) sharp.
The TAs will have this assessment ready for you at the end of class.