23 December 2007

Materials Information

To the left is a list of tools and consumables we know that we'll be using this semester. It is recommended that you buy the tools before the first day of class. We're working with a new store in town, RENDr, which is at the corner of Canton and 26th Street (in the same strip shopping center as J&B Coffee) to get you all these supplies in a timely manner. Crissy Griswold, the owner of RENDr will be watching this class website from time to time. It would be a great help to both Crissy and us if you would inform us if you think that the majority of the class already has one of these tools and we will not need to order it. You can do so in a comment on this post.

If you click on the material listings to the right you'll find we've linked a picture of the element for familiarity. Again, if you have a question about an item, make it a comment to this post, don't email us just yet.

The tools for the course, if you buy sturdy professional quality tools, will last you for your whole career in architecture. We still regularly use tools we bought in high school. There's a huge difference between student and professional quality and there's going to be a difference in the way the tool operates, just as with musical instruments or sporting goods. Many of you know what you get when you buy a guitar at ToysR'Us. The same is true here. RENDr stocks professional quality gear, will have competitive prices, and will be very convenient for you.

It is recommended that you buy the consumables only as you need them. The studios will be crowded and you will not have your own desk. You'll share desks. RENDr will have the paper materials as we need them. Home Depot and other building supplies will have things like paint, polystyrene, sandpaper, and spackling whenever we need them. Part of the course is simply sourcing all the tools and consumables you'll need as the semester progresses.

Questions made as comments to this post will be answered promptly.


  1. Most of the materials towards the top of the list I received in my delineation supply kit last semester.

  2. Can you take a minute and be a little more specific?
    It will help us a lot.

  3. T-square, architect scale, adj. triangle, bow compass, erasing shield, metal ruler, drafting tape.

    We got an x-acto knife but it's not the same one.

  4. Anonymous3/1/08 12:10

    As long as it holds P-11 or #11 (standard) blades, that will suffice.
    Larger blades are not good for cutting.
    An X-acto makes a very precise cut, unlike a utility knife, olfa, or box cutter.

  5. Anonymous3/1/08 13:49

    I still need these materials:

    24"x36" art portfolio w/ handles
    adj. triangle w/ 12"+ hypoteneuse
    circle template - 1/16" to 3" dia
    1-2mm lead holders
    6H 2mm drafting leads
    drafting eraser
    medium sized binder clips
    aluminum head push pins
    12 shts-2 ply 22"x30" plate bristol
    20yds x 24"w vellum (no grid)
    100ft-24ga shapeable wire
    16-24"x24"x1" polystyrene blocks (will these be available in precut blocks or will we need to go to a lumber store to get these?)

  6. Anonymous3/1/08 14:04

    If we are starting Delineation this semester...will the materials we need for studio 1 do for both courses

  7. Anonymous5/1/08 20:24

    If the materials for the two courses (Delineation and this studio) are the same then they will do. I was at Varsity and saw the "kits" they have for the delineation course. I suggest you compare prices and quality before making that purchase.

    The insulation foam cannot be bought as those blocks. It will have to be bought in sheets. We'll work with it as blocks. There are a variety of sizes available to you. I just wanted to make it clear what the exact size we'll use is.

    Thanks for the questions.

  8. Anonymous6/1/08 16:55

    Are we going to need all of these materials the first day of class?

  9. Anonymous6/1/08 19:04

    The assignment given on the first day of class will require you to make something for the following Tuesday with a 24 by 24 piece of white matte finish board, a camera (digital, disposable, or film will do), prints from the camera (printed out from digital or developed from film), a safe straight edge for cutting, rubber cement, and an X-acto knife.

    You will not do this in class so don't bring the materials to class. It will be complete and erady to present at the beginning of the second class meeting.

  10. Anonymous7/1/08 05:10

    On the webpage you said to let you know if any of the class would already have some of the supplies.
    For the delineation 1341 class there are a few supplies in their kit that are also required in your class

    the art portfolio
    adjustable triangle 10" (will that size work?)
    erasing shield
    architects scale
    x-acto blades
    drafting eraser
    drafting tape
    bow compass
    T-square (delineation requires a 24" will that work until i can get a 36"?)

  11. do we have to bring these supplies on the first day?

  12. Anonymous8/1/08 13:11

    I was wondering if the polystyrene needs to be the pink block shown or if it can be the white variety? I'm asking because I have been unable to find any of the pink with the one-inch thickness.

  13. Anonymous10/1/08 10:38

    Can you give us more detailed info on the Bristol board? What series is that? 400? 500?

    Also, when you say 24"x24" piece of white matte finish board, what is that? When you say matte I think of what you put around a picture. Is that what you mean?

  14. Matte \Matte\, n. [F. matte; cf. F. mat, masc., matte, fem., faint, dull, dim; -- said of metals. See Mate checkmate.]

    A dead or dull finish, as in gilding where the gold leaf is not burnished, or in painting where the surface is purposely deprived of gloss.

    Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

  15. I'll research cheaper bristol. 400 and 500 series are pricey.

  16. I'll research cheaper bristol. 400 and 500 series are pricey.
