08 March 2008


It should be foamy in the studio :

Your order of operations for this assignment should be similar to the list below:

cut, glue, dry, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand, spackle, dry, sand, paint, dry, sand, paint, dry, sand, paint, dry, sand, paint, dry, sand, paint, dry, sand, ect, ect. Remember to use two different kinds of sand paper, a medium grit, and a fine grit. The fine grit sand paper will make your model incredibly smooth.

You will have a variety of geometric situations in your foam models. The interstitial model will have some 90 degree angles, your fiat model may as well. A fine grit sanding block will aid you in this dilemma.

Remember, both your fiat model and your interstitial model are due on Thursday.

Here is a more specific operation list:
Glue with tacky glue.
Sand with a medium grit then followed by a fine grit sandpaper.
Spackle any major surface impurities and allow to dry. Then sand your result. You may need to repeat this two or three times.
Now you are ready to paint. You paint layers should be light, do not lather on the white, it will take longer to dry. Allow the layer to dry then sand with a fine grit sandpaper. Then paint again.
You will need to repeat this last step up to ten times.

The result: a beautiful white model as smooth as silk.


  1. Anonymous10/3/08 07:51

    are just the foam models due on thursday, or will with the wire models also be due?

  2. Anonymous10/3/08 09:06

    Everything is due thursday

  3. Anonymous10/3/08 12:00

    wait, i thought just the 2 foam models were due on thursday?

  4. Anonymous10/3/08 12:07

    yeah, on the post it says models only but on the syllabus it says everything

  5. Anonymous10/3/08 12:20

    are we supposed to spackle the whole model, or just the joints and any dings?

  6. Anonymous10/3/08 17:27

    I noticed some people have and it was just easier for them that way

  7. Anonymous12/3/08 14:18

    will the projects be accepted if they are not fully complete? or do they need to be 100% complete for any credit?

  8. Anonymous13/3/08 01:17

    Any word on the submission formats? And I hope we'll get credit if we didn't complete it 100%. I had to start over on my negative space model today after I realized I glued and spackled it backwards! Ouch.

  9. submit whatever you have by 8am Friday.

    you will turn in two wire models, section drawings, and foam models.

