13 March 2009

Lecture By Professor Michelle Addington

In the College of Architecture we do not have a big lecture series this year but we have some big lectures. We're very excited to present this upcoming event in conjunction with our "PINK DAY" celebrations in our building.

Wednesday, March 25th at noon Michelle Addington from Yale University will give a lecture, "Buildings, Boundaries, Behaviors" in English 001, the large lecture hall at the bottom of the light well on the inside (eastern side) of the west wing of the building.

Michelle is a former NASA engineer who is now a professor of Architecture at Yale University and one of the world's leading authorities on Environmental Control Systems and New Building Materials.

A recent lecture at the New School in NYC can be viewed HERE.

About INstalling and Re-Installing Form•Z

Hi Brian,

The student version allows you to install on any two computers. If your students have already installed on two computers, and one dies, then we can reset our records so the "dead" computer will no longer count as one of their licenses. If you need us to do this, just let us know their serial number and we can reset this.

To reinstall, just use the install package that they downloaded previously, and the same serial number and install code. (The installation instructions note that these should be backed up in case they are needed in the future.)

All install packages are the same (except Mac vs. Win), so if they do not have the install package that they downloaded, an install package from anyone else will work with her install code. (Or you can use any Joint Study Extension DVD.)

If they forgot their serial number or install code, let us know and we can retrieve this for them.
Please let us know if you have any further questions or problems.

Best Regards,

Paul Helm