13 January 2009

Form•Z Introductory Notes

(Everything needed in FmZ for the first 1/3rd of the semester)

Topological Levels
points, segments, faces, elements, groups
self, one copy, multi-copy, continuous copy

snaps / ortho
key shortcuts / preferences

Object Makers
line, rectangle, parallel line, point, text

Object Modifiers
trim, break, join, connect, text edit, hatch

Object Translators
move, (copy), rotate, scale, scale x-y, mirror

Attribute Modifiers
line type / line weight, color, layer

EXno.2 - in class exercise for Tuesday

We find its easier to learn in editing than it is in inventing. The format of this drawing is the format you'll use throughout the first 1/3 of the semester. The title block, layout, scale, and means of printing for this drawing will be the same on everything you do until we draw a new format in four weeks. Everything you do will be submitted three ways: In Paper, In a Form•Z file, and in a PDF file. Your TA will show you how to do all these things well.

The standard sheet is 14"x14". There is a 1" buffer on the sheet surrounding a 12" by 12" work area that is centered on the sheet. The common zone stretches from side to side (X direction) down the middle of the work area. The common zone is .75" tall. In the X direction the work area is broken into 14 equal sections each marked by a dark grey thin vertical line that stretches across the work area. Each of these major X sections is divided into 4 equal minor parts. The work are is bifurcated about the common area into two equal sides in the Y direction. Each of these sides is broken down into a minor (.625" tall) section at the bottom and the remainder is equally divided between two major elements of each character.
Certain Form•Z files are provided. Download the 1412 drafting preferences and point the app towards it after starting it. Download the 1412_MPStudio_EXno2.fmz file. This drawing is the base for this exercise.
Due printed and assembled on your section's wall by the end of studio class today.
The exercise is a team project. Everyone in your section needs this done before the end of class.