24 January 2009

EXno.6: 10 Variations

Using the feedback you got from the last class meeting make 10 new variations on your ongoing work. How much variation you take should be based on how to manage the maximum amount of development and change in your project. Questions to ask while you develop this project at this juncture are:
a) Am I creating Hierarchy throughout the whole site? (SITE=14 by 14 page)
b) Am I developing a "Space Grammar" that engages the variabilities of the given black shapes (overall scale, shape orientation, the changeable parametric proportions of the shapes, the spatial characteristics of the shape, the spatial relationships the shapes can have between each other)
c) In representing the motion in the film piece am I constructing 2-D graphical space and spaces across the whole of the SITE?
AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on Tuesday have all ten printed out each on ONE sheet of 8.5 by14 paper so that you end up with 10 sheets of paper to pin up on Tuesday. Label each sheet EXno.6-01, EXno.6-02, EXno.6-03...through EXNo.6-10.

We will no longer review any work that is not crafted to the standards explained and outlined so far- no visible tape or sheet joint line (not an issue on this exercise), solid black shapes, no more grey on the sheet, light grid lines that do not interfere with the reading of the project, only the exercise number on the front of every sheet IN HELVETICA OR ARIAL. Name on the back

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