19 January 2008


To the right you'll find an image bank of chronophotographs taken by students in their dorm rooms.
Below is an image I made myself in my apartment in Manhattan. What you see is the whole kitchen. The action being recorded is getting a glass out of the cabinet, reaching into the fridge, and pouring juice into the glass. It was done with slide film .To the left is also an assignment you'll start in one week doing chronophotography documenting the events that occur in your room. Please start reviewing what you'll need, checking if your camera will do these sorts of photos and where you'll get one if yours doesn't.

One of the first conceptual decisions you should make is whether you'll record trajectories of individual lights or if you'll find the "clouds of occupied space" otherwise shown with rope lights and light strings. How can you make the data gathered transition? Can you interpolate and translate the recordings?

We'll draw sections through these results, we'll make wire frame models of each of these, we'll make combinations of these things, and we'll model the aggregate in foam.